This groundbreaking documentary delves into the intricate challenges posed by human influence on the Earth in the Anthropocene era. It takes viewers on a transformative journey, immersing them in the lives of individuals who are actively working towards a visionary concept: a planet that is half wilderness and half high civilization. Capturing the stories and challenges of those who inhabit the edges of these two worlds, the film brings diverse perspectives and pioneering efforts to create harmonious coexistence with the wild. “The only proven method for sustaining biodiversity on Earth is wilderness” Wilson, E. O. The Future of Life.
Created and written by:
Alessandra Pasquino and Steven Reich
Status: Filming
is a poetic visual evocation of the intimacy, brutality, and festivity of a cockfight in remote rural West Bali. Neither approving nor decrying this tradition, the film immerses the viewer into an experimental and rich visual narrative where steel, feathers, blood and money define this ancient ritual practice.
Director: Alessandra Pasquino
Writers: A.Pasquino/Briana Young/Julia Zsolnay
DP/Editor: Briana Young
Official Selection Society For Visual Anthropology Film & Media Festival
Official Selection Ethnographic Film Festival
Winner Best Cinematography Nevada City Film festival
is a fictional short film about greed and redemption inspired by the life of the ascetic prince Siddhartha as rendered in the Herman Hesse novel.
Director: Alessandra Pasquino
Writers: M. Matucci/ J. Smit/ A. Pasquino
Camera: Wing Ko/ Gene Sung/ Pryor Praczukowski
Editor: Shawn Mitchell
Music: Malcolm Cross
Cast: M. Matucci/ J. Smit/ J. Kerr/
M. Po/ J. Estrada
Official Selection, LA Shorts Festival
follows photographer Matthew Rolston on a personal project to Sicily. Shot inside the Capuchin’s catacombs and around Palermo, this short introduces a lesser-known side of the famed celebrity photographer and showcases his new thought-provoking images contemplating impermanence.
Director: Alessandra Pasquino
Editor: Sean Nalaboff
portrays a journey shared between two people on opposite sides of the world. It depicts mountain climbing as a performance that induces a heightened state of perception, suggesting human possibilities that go beyond the specific act of climbing.
Director: Alessandra Pasquino
Climber and Camera: Joby Ogwyn
Editor: Shawn Mitchell
Still Photography: Saam Gabbay
Actress: Suzanne Lanza
was devised, shot and edited in a total of 120 hours. This short character study addresses the integration of minorities and their heritage into the evolving, fast-paced urban culture of Los Angeles.
Executive Producer: Robert Lemelson
Director: Alessandra Pasquino
Camera: Wing Ko
Editor: Chisako Yokoyama
In this energetic music video for Morello, Malcolm Cross is an old-school funkster obsessed with singing soul music about modern life and modern love.
Director: Alessandra Pasquino
Camera: Gene Sung